Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Beautiful Day

We just had to get out of the house today. It was so beautiful. It was the first time we took out the big stroller. It was like pushing around a semi. After we were almost back home, Sophia let me know that she was really tired because the walk was tiring. Give me a break kid! It was good to get some fresh air. We have been inside a lot the past couple of days. Last week Sophia and Cory were sick. Sophia got better but Cory has continued to get worse. After multiple trips to the immediate care center, emergency room, and our doctor he was diagnosed with bilateral pneumonia. What? He is only 32 not 92! Poor guy. He also has a torn muscle on his side from coughing so much. He is home again all this week. We are praying that neither one of the kids gets sick. Cory is carrying around hand sanitizer. If you have a minute, remember him in your prayers.

Don't worry...Cory wasn't allowed to push the semi (I mean stroller). It was just for the picture.