Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chocolate Eye

If you've been reading this blog for any length of time, you know about Sophia's love of anything chocolate. It never ceases to amaze me how she can get chocolate everywhere when she is eating it. Doesn't matter if it is an M&M, chocolate cake or candy, or even chocolate chip cookies she will get it everywhere. But I believe today is the first time she managed to get it in her eyebrow. She did a pretty good job though. She colored "in the lines".

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Corn Please

Sophia has a true love of corn although her greatest love is butter. She can eat it by the spoonfuls. So naturally, corn on the cob with butter is the perfect vegetable for her. I humored her and put quite a bit of butter on her corn tonight. She sucked the butter off the corn before eating it. She is ridiculous.

You've heard of milk about butter mouth?
That is truly gross. With that much butter is the corn still healthy? Or is it more healthy because that amount of butter could be a serving of dairy?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Whole Lotta Love

Today Julie and Eva came over to play for a little while. There was a whole lotta lovin going on. It is so much fun to see the cousins playing so well together.

Just because he is so handsome...
And because he is so handsome, he'd better get used to all the girls loving on him. Cousin love
I think that face says, "Help".
I love it!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


On Mother's Day we took Sophia down to one of the playgrounds by Waterfront Park. If you haven't been there, I suggest that you check it out. We went to the one by Tumbleweed. Sophia had a great time. I didn't know that there was a water feature so she was not dressed to get wet. But try telling that to a 2 year old. So, I decided to let go and let her get drenched. At one point her pants were so wet she could barely walk so she pulled them down right there in the middle of the playground. After much deliberation on my part, I went with it and decided to let her be a dirty, wet, half dressed kid. After all, what's more fun than that?

My 3 favorite people
Love this shot
Half naked, dirty, and wet girl. Guess that's like hitting the trifecta for a 2 year old.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Could he be any sweeter?

I'm in love....

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Tonight we met Cory's family at Kingfish to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a good time but it was very hard keeping a 2 year old in her seat when there was a playground outside. So after we said our "goodbyes" we headed outside to play. She had a great time. I apologize that most of these pictures are of Sophia from the back, but that is all I could get of her. She was so busy playing and running....she wouldn't stop. I love simple, fun, family times together. I can't wait until Isaac can get in on the action but I did love cuddling with him while Sophia and Daddy played.

Making her way down the steps
Ready to play
This picture came out blurry but that is why I like it. Ponytails back, skirt up, that's when you know it's a good slide.
Running around
Isaac was enjoying himself
Learning from Daddy
Deep in thought
Love this pic but if you look closely the wind blew just right to puff up her shirt. It makes her look like she is wearing one of those fake muscle shirts.
Doesn't he look so happy?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I love your mad side...

Sophia has a book that we got her for her first Christmas called, "I love you through and through". If you don't have this book for your little one, you should get it. Or, I could just recite it to you.... Anyway, one of the parts says, "I love your happy side, and your mad side...." This picture captures her mad side perfectly. I LOVE IT! So funny.

Giving the "evil eye". It's hard not to laugh.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Making Cupcakes

This evening Sophia, the mermaid princess, wanted to make cupcakes. Once we were done, she got to lick the bowl. I think this is the only reason she likes to make cupcakes. She was a mess!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Derby 2009

I was given some awesome tickets to the Derby this year. I think we were one section away from the "finish line". Cory stayed home with the kids and I took my Dad. We had a good time even though my winnings total was $6.40. Not so great. But I was only out $25. I know....big spender.

Amy & Pardie
Really bad picture but how excited does Calvin Borel (jockey for Mine That Bird) look right after winning?