Saturday, May 9, 2009


Tonight we met Cory's family at Kingfish to celebrate Mother's Day. We had a good time but it was very hard keeping a 2 year old in her seat when there was a playground outside. So after we said our "goodbyes" we headed outside to play. She had a great time. I apologize that most of these pictures are of Sophia from the back, but that is all I could get of her. She was so busy playing and running....she wouldn't stop. I love simple, fun, family times together. I can't wait until Isaac can get in on the action but I did love cuddling with him while Sophia and Daddy played.

Making her way down the steps
Ready to play
This picture came out blurry but that is why I like it. Ponytails back, skirt up, that's when you know it's a good slide.
Running around
Isaac was enjoying himself
Learning from Daddy
Deep in thought
Love this pic but if you look closely the wind blew just right to puff up her shirt. It makes her look like she is wearing one of those fake muscle shirts.
Doesn't he look so happy?


The Aguilars said...

Looks like a great time. Can't wait for Eba to get on the action as well.