Friday, April 10, 2009


It is amazing how much Isaac and Sophia already love eachother. Sophia loves her little brother and always wants to "See hims little face". And Isaac is really starting to love being around Sophia. It may help that she isn't trying to move his arms and legs all around anymore. Good grief. It is so awesome to watch how she tries to protect and mother him. He smiles and "talks" to her more than he does with either Cory or I. And just the way he looks at her.... it is adorable. I caught a few pictures this morning.
In case you are wondering about Sophia's new fashion.... She had to wear that summer nightgown and it was cold in our house this morning, so this is what we ended up with.
Love the look on his face here.
Her idea to hold hands for the picture.
Singing to Baby Isaac


The Aguilars said...

I just want to squeeze both of them. Eva looks that way at Sophia. She is a super big sister and cousin.