Thursday, April 30, 2009

2 month visit

Well, he isn't as big as I thought he was going to be. He is 12 pounds and 23 inches long. That's an increase of 2 pounds and 2 inches in a month. I think he might have actually lost some weight because he has been vomiting a lot the last week. And yes, vomiting not spitting up. His doctor is somewhat worried about this (as are we) and he ordered an UGI for next week to evaluate for pyloric stenosis. Apparently this is most common in first born males at around 6-8 weeks. Well, that fits him to a T. But it could just be his reflux worsening. We'll have to wait and see next week. And he had his shots. 4 of them. Horrible. But he did great. There were 2 of the silent screams (hate those--please just breathe) and then he was fine. He was smiling and talking with the nurse within a minute of the shots. He is such a happy little guy. We are so blessed to have him in our lives.