Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Morning

Easter morning started early. 6:50 am. Good grief. The Easter Bunny hadn't even hidden the eggs yet. So, while the Easter Bunny sprang into action, we watched a little Dora. The E.B. decided to hide the eggs inside this year since it was so cool outside. Sophia didn't seem to mind. She loved finding the eggs and loved the chocolate. It was fun seeing her get so excited. Since then, we have hidden and found eggs probably a dozen times.

Going for the chocolate Delicious. You love the outfit, right?
Finding eggs on Daddy's desk.
The blog pose
Do I take a lot of pictures of Sophia? Hum. When I asked her to smile for a picture with her eggs, this is what she did. I think the answer is, YES.
Showing off her egg loot.
Isaac wore himself out with all the excitement.
Dressed in his Easter finest. Can you even stand it? Check out the shoes.
The Cissell Men
Daddy and his girls (Might as well include baby doll. She goes everywhere we do.)
The Family.
Isaac is looking a little disgruntled. Poor guy.


The Aguilars said...

The Cizzells look fantan-a-lous.