Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eggs

Today was the day to dye easter eggs. Sophia and I were both really excited about it. I have such fond memories of decorating eggs when I was younger and I was looking forward to sharing this memory with Sophia. Well, we created a memory, that's for sure. It is really stressful decorating eggs with a 2 year old. I read other blogs about how much fun people had and how wonderful it was.... Don't get me wrong. There were moments of wonderful and fun but mostly just stressful. I think it is Sophia's attention span. Or lack thereof. She wanted egg after egg. I was trying to get her to put more than one line of paint on the egg but she just wanted to keep moving. It was fast paced that's for sure. We burned through 2 dozen eggs in record time. That girl always keeps me on my toes. And yes, we will be doing it again next year.

Painting with glitter paint. Not the best idea I've ever had but she loved it.
Daddy teaching her how to dip the eggs.
The most fun she had was splashing in the dirty paint water after we were done decorating.
Our masterpieces.


The Aguilars said...

Eba will be over next year for decorating. Sophia's eggs look better than mine ever did.