Monday, April 13, 2009

The Many Faces of Julia

In my family, making crazy faces for the camera and or catching someone in a not so flattering action shot is somewhat of an artform. My dad started this many years ago with constant pictures of people eating. I have some great ones of him. But when I was reviewing my pictures from Julie's birthday dinner, I realized that I had a good collection that really speaks to how diverse Julie's facial expessions can be. I picked some of my favorites to honor her for her big 30th birthday. And yes, I am aware that there will be an attack on me as there are countless crazy pictures of me floating out there.
My personal favorite. Julie's eyes are almost always red in photos and I think it just adds to the character of this picture.

Fake smile #1 This one is a 2-fer with Gilbert in the background eating.

Being weird reading her birthday card. I hate when people read cards outloud. Don't know why, but can't stand it. I am sure she was saying something really important.
Super fake smile #2.
Blurry, but priceless.
Julie, I love it that you are my sister and we have so much fun together. You are gorgeous. Just to even the playing field, here is a picture of me that Cory took.
Way less flattering that the ones of you, don't you think?


The Aguilars said...

This post is splendid. I look huge. So much for losing all the baby weight by my 30th birthday.