Saturday, February 2, 2008

Broccoli and Cheese Soup?!?

Tonight we ate at McAllisters. I have been somewhat hesitant to go there with Sophia because I wasn't sure about the kid menu. But they had grilled cheese (only 99 cents!) and so I thought we were set. But then she refused to eat any of her sandwich. What a surprise. As I was eating some of my broccoli and cheese soup, she asked for some. I thought, "Ok weirdo. You're going to be sorry." I couldn't imagine a kid loving broccoli soup. But, she did. She probably ate half of my cup. She's a strange one.

But, once we got home, she found an Oreo she had hidden in a drawer in the kitchen. You never know what you will find in a drawer. And this is what she looked like. That's my girl.

I have said before, she is a genius. The first time that she had an Oreo, she twisted it open all by herself. If that isn't a genius I don't know what is. Now she has figured out that the best part is the icing in the middle and can lick it out. I told you....pure genius.

Then she decided she could pose for some pictures. No time to wipe off the face. Gotta take the pic when she is smiling. I think they turned out cuter than if she had a clean face.

This one is for Aunt JuJu. She is modeling her cute outfit for you.

Who doesn't love this picture? How much do they look alike???

The Cissell Girls


The Aguilars said...

Chocolate makes me happy too. Love the feathered hair look.

The Cissells said...

That's el naturel. Sophia is naturally gorgeous.

thebanetfamily said...

Please tell me that your Christmas Tree is still not up!

The Cissells said...

Oh, crap. You noticed. I was hoping that making it black and white you wouldn't see. Oh, well. Sue me.

thebanetfamily said...

Well, it's just about time to leave it up for next year.

thebanetfamily said...

Well, it's just about time to leave it up for next year.