Sunday, February 24, 2008

Pooh Potty

Today we took a family trip to Walmart. We got Sophia her very own potty. They didn’t have an Elmo potty, so Pooh and friends will have to do. She loves this potty. She begged for us to take it out of the box. Once I put it together, she wanted to sit on it right away and carried it through the kitchen and family room. She said she needed to go potty so I helped her pull her pants down, and she did. She had one little poop in the potty. I am convinced this is a complete fluke and means absolutely nothing. But, it did demonstrate just how weird first time parents are. Not only do we have pictures of her on the potty, but we have a picture of well, the result. Cory took that one. I wouldn’t even do that. Don’t worry though. That particular picture had been deemed “unbloggable”. I have thought of sending it to close family members. I mean, if they really love Sophia, they would be interested, right?

Jumping up to see the results
Telling her baby how to use the potty.
Celebrating with Chloe


The Aguilars said...

What a big girl! Where are you going to keep the potty? Or is she just going to carry it around with her?