Tuesday, February 19, 2008

New Phrases

One of Sophia's favorite phrases is "I bite" which is unfortunately very accurate. She has been placed in time out several times due to her biting. We have talked to her numerous times about this telling her it is not nice to bite your friends. Then her phrase grew into "I bite. Not nice." Pretty cute and funny if it weren't for the subject matter. Last night when I was trying to get her calmed down for bed she added another one. She said (with a smile), "I pinch". Then we went through the it's not nice to pinch thing and I mistakenly said, "Sophia, you shouldn't pinch. It's mean to pinch." She looked at me with a huge smile and said, "I pinch. I mean." Then she said "I mean" about a thousand more times. It's cool that she can put together that she pinches+pinching is mean= she is mean, but it is a little freaky to see your child tell you she is mean with a huge smile on her face. I am trying to convince myself that she doesn't really know that being mean isn't something to be proud of. We'll see. So, all of you Donna's kids, I am sorry. My child is apparently a bully. Pinch or bite her back. You have my permission.


Anonymous said...

a budding sociopath??

The Cissells said...

I hope not.

The Aguilars said...

I don't want to say where she gets it from...
But at least she is not a push-over!! I can't wait until she has her Charles day on the playground!!