Saturday, February 23, 2008

Dance Dance!!

Sophia loves music in general but lately has been hooked on "Choo Choo Soul". For those of you that don't know what that is, there is a short little "music video" that is sometimes on The Disney Channel. It has real people with a cartoon train and background. Sophia really loves it. We TIVO My Friends Tigger and Pooh and have 2 episodes with Choo Choo Soul videos following the show. We would have to sit on the couch and rewind them over and over again so that she could dance. That got old REALLY fast and so I searched for a DVD on the internet. There isn't one. Can you believe it? But I did buy the CD from iTunes. Cory uploaded it to the TIVO so we can have Choo Choo Soul whenever we want. Yeah! Actually, it is pretty good music. For kids music, anyway. I will say that it is the only kids CD I have ever listened to in the car where I had to turn down the bass. That's saying something. I caught some still shots of the dancing as well as video. Don't worry. No video of Cory or I dancing will make its way to the WWW. It's just embarrassing.

Shakin' her groove thang! (I love this picture)


The Aguilars said...

Love the video. But it still comes in 2nd to the highchair incident (which you still need to send to America's Funniest Home Videos). Shake it girl!

The Rougeux's said...

She could be a "Solid Gold" dancer!

thebanetfamily said...

I loved the video! She can really shake her grove thang!