Wednesday, January 30, 2008

This is dedicated to one I love.....

This post is dedicated to Aunt Julia (my sister). Some of her favorite pictures of Sophia are ones of her sitting in her chair in interesting ways. Here you go....

She was watching Elmo and they were talking about bananas so she had to have one.

This is her posing in her new shirt.

The final set of pictures is her newest accomplishment. Quite interesting isn't it??? It kind of gives me a heart attack though. I have all kinds of visions of her falling and cracking her head open. But, I let her do it. I am crazy. She is actually pretty good at it. She can balance there for a good minute and a half.

Ps. The destruction you see in the background is only a few hours worth. Amazing.


The Aguilars said...

Love the chair pictures. And your daughter is quite the daredevil like you were. Pretty soon she is going to be climbing in trees!