Saturday, January 5, 2008

Lazy Saturday

This past Saturday we hung out together all day. It was a very lazy, wonderful day. I never even changed out of my pajamas. It was GREAT! I took some cute pictures of the day....just thought I would share them.

Watching Elmo. Notice the new Elmo slippers!

The good thing about lazy Saturdays.....we discovered she loves popcorn.

She is starting to get the idea of pretend. Here her and her Daddy are pretending to be asleep. If you look close in the first picture you see the binky in her hand. And in the other pics you see one in her hand and one in her mouth. One binky just won't do anymore.
Sophia and Daddy wrestling. Here Daddy plays "tickle fingers".
Absolutely my favorite picture!!!


The Aguilars said...

Love the Elmo slippers. Looks like her hair is getting longer and thicker. When are you going to do pony tails??

The Cissells said...

Whenever she lets me. She just pulls them out or whines about them now.

The Rougeux's said...

Those pics are too cute! Dusty was the same way about his binky. He used to only want to wear this one shirt that had a pocket so he could put an extra binky in it....just in case I guess!