Sunday, January 13, 2008

Swim Suit Season

What?? I bet that's what you're thinking. But for Sophia and I, it has already started. This week started swim lessons at the YMCA. This class is a repeat for Sophia and Libby but I think that they are going to get even more out of it this year. The first class went great. This year Sophia can understand more so when she is supposed to kick, she kicks. When it is time to "jump" in, she jumps. It is so much easier for me too. I didn't realize how wobbley she was last year. We had a great time together. I think you will get that idea from the photos.

Getting ready to get in by singing our song. This is the way we wash our legs....

I love that little girl.

This is the time in the lesson where they get a few toys to play with and we are supposed to make them reach for the toys. It helps them get more comfortable in the water. They can't be holding on to you and reaching for toys. What you can't tell from this picture (why is she laughing) is that Sophia's hands were full with two toys already when she wanted the third toy, a frog. So she grabbed it with her teeth. It was a squirty toy so it squirted water everywhere including her face.

Kicking so good. Best friends.
A lot has changed but some things stay the same. She still is not a fan of going underwater.

Flashback... What a difference a year makes.


The Aguilars said...

Just like me. Hates going under water. Too bad she doesn't have an older sister to do it for her:)

thebanetfamily said...

I love the flashback! How strange is that??