Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Just a few random pictures over the last several days.
My favorite 3 people
My dad gets each of the grandkids a Vermont Teddy Bear. Isaac loves his.
On Monday, Julie, Gilbert, and Eva came over and cooked us dinner. It was delicious. We tried to get a picture with the 3 kids. This is the best one that I got. It is going to be very interesting when we get family pictures made.
I don't know why this picture loaded like this but I liked it. My 2 babies.

Tuesday was Isaac's first doctor's appointment. He is up to 8 pounds 5 ounces and doing great. He looks like such a little boy in this outfit. Who says you can't have fun with boy clothes??


The Aguilars said...

I love the 2nd picture. I never get to see his beautiful eyes - he is always sleeping!

The Rougeux's said...

Wow, Amy...he is very handsome! Congrats to you and the family!