Monday, March 23, 2009

1 Month Old

It is so hard to believe that Isaac is already 1 month old. He is getting so big. He has gone from looking like Cory and Sophia to looking like his own little person. Don't get me wrong, there is still a strong resemblance, but nothing like when he was born. We are no longer breast feeding. After multiple trips to the lactation nurse, multiple different attachments/devices, herbals, prescription drugs, and a feeding/pumping regimen that left me little time for anything else, it was time to call it quits. I actually didn't even make the call. Isaac did. At first I was devastated but am now getting used to the idea. And let's be honest. There are benefits to bottle feeding. Such as now Cory can take a feeding and I can sleep. Fabulous. Little Man (that's what Cory calls him) is such a joy to be around. He is such a wonderful baby and just loves to cuddle. He is already smiling although it is at nothing in particular. However yesterday when Cory was changing his diaper he told Isaac not to poop while he was changing him. He told him to save that for Momma. Isaac smiled. And guess what happened about an hour later when I was changing him??? Yep. He pooped on me. Crazy boys. Already conspiring against me.

Getting his Elvis snear on
The boys
So precious


The Aguilars said...

Time flies when you are having fun. He sure is a cutie.

thebanetfamily said...

He's so freaking adorable!