Sunday, March 1, 2009

Introducing Isaac Grant Cissell

Isaac Grant was born on Febuary 23 at 8:56 am. He was 21 inches long and 9 pounds 3 ounces. What??? Yes, I was carrying around a 9 pound baby. Good grief. He is absolutely perfect and looks a lot like his big sister. Cory must have extremely dominant genes. Sophia loves him to pieces and he loves being around her too. I can't wait to see how they interact once he gets older. He loves to cuddle and makes little noises that sound like purring when he is really comfortable and happy.

He lost quite a bit of weight while we were in the hospital. I guess it was a good thing he started out over 9 pounds. He got down to 8 pounds 1 ounce which necessitated us staying in the hospital for another day. But he is on the path to gaining weight now and is doing great.

The Cissell Family

Baby Isaac (a little yellow, huh?)

The triplets (that's what I call them)

Proud Big Sister

Isaac got Sophia some wonderful jewelry. I thought it would be fitting that the first girl he bought jewelry for would be his sister.

Cuddling with Momma


The Aguilars said...

Good looking family. He is a cutey!


Congratulations on your new addition! He looks adorable. And Sophia looks like the best big sister!

The Jewell's said...

Congrats!!! He is so adorable!!!! I have been waiting for some pictures:)