Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dance Party

It is amazing how the words "Dance Party" mean entirely different things to those that have kids versus those that don't. Perhaps you were thinking that Cory and I went out dancing on a Saturday night at a local bar or nightclub. You would be wrong.
First, the family enjoyed a movie. Or part of a movie because Sophia can't sit through an entire movie. Unless it is Dora. And they are only like 45-50 minutes long so I don't count them. We watched Aladdin. I never realized how scary that movie is until I watched it with Sophia. May just leave that on the shelf for a few more years. Isaac was not impressed with it either.

Do you love her outfit?

(Angie, that is the hula skirt that came with the bathing suit that she wore to her and Libby's party. Yes, it is size 12 months and still fits.)

Then we headed into Cory's office for a Dance Party (Sophia's words not mine). When we lived in Florida, Cory listened to a lot of Jimmy Buffet. When Sophia was born she had a bad case of reflux. We nicknamed her the "Screamin Demon". You get the picture. So, Cory used to turn up Jimmy Buffet until Sophia stopped screaming. It worked like a charm. Fast forward to Saturday night....she still likes Jimmy. We had a great time at the Dance Party. Her favorite is Cheeseburger in Paradise. She knows quite a few words. Isaac got in on the dancing and if you can believe it, fell asleep. I love Saturday nights at my house.

FYI: The pictures on the ceiling are what is left over from Cory's father's day "present". Yeah, last year. There was a sign that said, "Daddy, I love it when you..." and then I put pictures of Sophia and Cory doing different things together and hung them from the ceiling. It was a big hit. Will have to update it this Father's Day I guess. Never thought it would be up this long though. I offer an explination everytime someone comes over so they don't just think we are too weird.