Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One Year Old

It occurred to me that I haven't posted Sophia's one year pictures yet. I decided to show just a few of the 73 pictures that were taken. I think they turned out really well. She did so well. Who could have guess that she would have loved the camera? Do you think it is due to all the blog pictures she has had taken of her?


thebanetfamily said...

They did such a great job with your photos! They all turned out so beautiful! How did you ever pick?

The Aguilars said...

What a pretty girl!


Those turned out great, where did you get them done at?

Anonymous said...

Hello from the french family ! Sophia a déjà un an. What cute little girl ! A très bientôt !

The Cissells said...

I had them done at Portrait Innovations in Louisville.