Saturday, July 14, 2007

Dining out on Sophia's Birthday

On Wednesday, Sophia's Birthday, we met MiMi in for lunch at McDonalds. Sophia enjoyed her own happy meal with chicken nuggets and apples and then enjoyed a kiddie cone for desert. She loves ice cream. She was so sad when it was gone.

She loved the chicken nuggets so much that she had two in her hands at all times. She had a hard time drinking her apple juice with both hands full until MiMi helped her out.

Ice cream sure is good!

For dinner Cory, Sophia and I met my mom and dad at Olive Garden. Sophia enjoyed the salad, breadsticks, my spagetti, and daddy's fettucine alfredo with chicken. She even enjoyed some fried zuccini and calamari. She has pretty advanced taste buds. Then for desert, what could be better than chocolate cake except for chocolate cake with people singing to you. Sophia had a great time. Thanks MiMi and Pardie for sharing Sophia's birthday dinner with us.
Enjoying breadsticks and fettucini.
Is there any doubt that this girl just adores her MiMi?


The Aguilars said...

I wish I was there:( Looks like you guys had so much fun together!

thebanetfamily said...

Yummy! Happy Birthday, Sophia!