Sunday, July 15, 2007

Family Birthday Party

Yet another birthday party for this poor, deprived, little girl. We had Cory's family and my parents over to celebrate Sophia's birthday on Saturday. We had a late lunch, played in the pool, ate cake, and opened presents. Sophia had a great time with her family. She did take a nap in the middle of the festivities. She almost fell asleep in her high chair again, this time with watermelon in her mouth. Boy does she love watermelon. Also, suprisingly, blueberries.

I have to brag on myself a little now. I made the cake. It is my first official homemade, decorated cake that I did all by myself. I am quite proud of it. I saw the idea for a caterpillar cake on the internet and had to do it. I will admit that I did a trial run, but it is all my work. I wasn't sure if Sophia would even notice it, but when she saw it she made an "ooohhh" sound and smiled. Really, what more do I need than that? When we put her up next to the cake she talked to the caterpillar and then ate her eyes and nose off.

Thanks to our families who came over to celebrate our special girl's first birthday.

Oh, the cake. She was talking to the caterpillar. Then thinking about eating the eyes.

Eating an eye. Sitting with her cousin Adrian. Boy, there are a lot of presents.

Helping Daddy open presents. Playing with her new toy with Daddy and Alyssa. She couldn't put her babydoll down. She loves sitting in her new chair.


Unknown said...

Everyone had a great time and the cake was a lot of fun...and tasty.

thebanetfamily said...

I loved the cake! It turned out even better than I expected! You are way too talented!

The Aguilars said...

What a fun celebration. Sophie is going to be one good entertainer! I am sure the cake was good, but am still waiting for my piece!


You did a great job on the cake! Maybe you should go into business. I'm wondering exactly how many parties Sophia is having for her birthday!

Unknown said...

It is ridiculous.