Saturday, February 21, 2009

Presents for Isaac

Today we went to Earth and Fire Pottery so that Sophia could make something for Isaac. She had a great time this Christmas painting pottery, so I thought that she would enjoy it again. She picked out what she wanted to paint him and we even let her pick out the paint colors. It is so hard to let her do "whatever" without fixing it or giving more suggestions, but we tried. I know that they will turn out perfectly.
Isaac's room has circus animals in it so Sophia picked out a giraffe, hippo, and cow to paint for his room. I know that you are thinking that the cow is not so much circus-y but I guarantee you that if you saw a white cow speckled with red and blue, it would be in a circus.
I can't wait to see them when they are all done. I know Isaac will love them.

"The Before"

Sophia hard at work on the giraffe.

Daddy helping out with the cow.

Momma helping with the hippo

The finished product


The Aguilars said...

Those look great! Sophia has a great idea for art and fashion. She is going to be a super big sister (just like her Mom).

thebanetfamily said...

Beautiful! Do you think you can get her to paint me a vase for my table?