Sunday, October 26, 2008

Annual Trip to Hubers

Cory's work has an annual trip to Hubers. Usually this happens in September but the date was changed due to some roof issues at Hubers. We were unsure if it was going to be rescheduled and finally heard that it was going to be this Sunday. It was a BEAUTIFUL day for it. The only wrinkle in the day is that I forgot my camera. That was so sad, but because of that, I was able to focus more on interacting with Sophia in the moment instead of worrying about photo ops. I did get a couple of pictures with my camera phone, so I apologize about the quality, but what can you do?
Highlights of the trip:
1. Sophia's lunch consisted of butter (yeah, I said butter), ice cream, and a cookie. Well rounded don't you think?
2. Went on the tractor ride to the pumpkin patch. She loved the ride and loved picking out her pumpkin. She picked a white one.
3. Went to the petting zoo. I was so proud/embarrassed that she knew just what to do since Mommy and Daddy were out of quarters. You pick up the corn from the ground to feed the animals. Yeah, she's done that one before. She is so loving with all creatures and it kind of "bit" her this year......
4. Got pecked on the finger by a chicken. She screamed but never cried. What a strong little girl.
5. Went on a pony ride. I thought she might be a little freaked out. After all, it was her first time even being that close to a pony. Nope, not at all. Half way around the first lap she said, "Let go of me, Mommy. I okay". The second lap she had only one hand on the saddle and was petting the pony with the other.
6. Went down the slide so many times with Daddy. She loved it. Last time we went (with the Banets) she wouldn't consider going down without her Daddy. Not this time. She told Cory that she would do it herself and came whizzing down the slide at full speed. What a difference a few months makes.
We had a great time. I love going on these little trips with her when she is 2. It is so much fun. This has definitely been my favorite age so far. (but I think i have said that at every stage)
Her pumpkin! I love that she picked the $3 pumpkin size. I knew we were doing something right!
As you can see (barely) she is pumped. Can't wait to get up again and go back down the slide. Not even looking behind to check out where Daddy is.
Yeah! One great pic with the camera phone.