Monday, June 11, 2007

Sleep Over

On Friday, Libby came over for a semi-sleep over. Angie and Gary were playing a softball double header so we got to keep Libby. The girls had so much fun playing together. Sophia loved showing off her toys. We had such a good time with the two girls. You are welcome over here any time, Libby.

Sophia showing Libby her toys.

The foam letters are always a hit with teething girls.

Libby tries out the rocking horse.

The girls pose on the bed. Libby is busy talking to Barbie on the phone.

Sleepy Libby


thebanetfamily said...

Libby said that she had such a great time! Thanks for keeping her so we could could get defeated twice at our double header!

The Aguilars said...

Looks like everyone had a great time. I want to come to the next sleep-over!