Tuesday, May 1, 2007

It's fun to Garden

Today was so beautiful, I decided to let Sophia play in her new garden. Angie and I had a wonderful time garage sale shopping on Saturday and I scored this cute little garden thanks to Angie's exceptional bargaining skills. Sophia just loves it. She can be in there by herself and hold onto the sides for support. She had so much fun planting, pulling, and replanting the vegetables. And she does look so good with her headband. You have to keep your hair out of your eyes when you garden.

Entering her garden

Playing with the birds

Picking vegetables

Onions and radishes taste so good



That is so cute! Angie did such a good job!

thebanetfamily said...

I love your garden! Libby can't wait to play in it!!!

Unknown said...

Can she be any cuter?

The Aguilars said...

She looks like she is having a blast. Wish I was there to play with her:(