While mother nature performed her magic outside on Saturday, our little "natural disaster" redecorated the family room. It is amazing how stir crazy you can get when you have to stay home. Any other time, we would have been excited to have a day at home. But I think we all went a little crazy.
It is only fitting that our natural disaster's hair looks like a natural disaster.
It is so hard to believe that the family room was semi-picked up on Friday night.
I started taking pictures of all sorts of weird things.... I am not sure what that was about. Maybe I was trying out my "artistic" side.
First was the toy collection:

Then, the Cory collection:
After Sophia finally settled down and took a nap, we all got cleaned up and took Sophia over to Mimi and Pardie's house. Cory and I then went out to eat. It was so good. Then we came home, watched a movie, and went to sleep. It was a great date.
Thanks Mimi and Pardie for watching Sophia on Saturday. I hope she didn't "redecorate" your house as quickly and efficiently as she did ours.
You guys are crazy!!
Does this child own pants?
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