Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pardie's Birthday Party

Before we went over to Mimi and Pardie's for a birthday celebration, Sophia wanted to get dressed up in one of her princess dresses. I fully support dressing up so I helped her down to her rose tights. I think she looked beautiful. She was definately the most dressed up of the bunch.
Thomas the Train is not just for kids. My dad is a huge train fan so his birthday theme was Thomas this year. The party favors were a lot of fun. Both the girls seemed to enjoy them. We each got our own Thomas cup. I chose to drink my wine out of it. Classy, I know. Eva enjoyed some cake and got some practice in for her upcoming first birthday.
Thanks for a wonderful dinner, Mimi. And Aunt Juju, the cake was awesome!
Princess Sophia riding on her pony before dinner
The family minus the girls. Couldn't fit them in. Isaac just couldn't wait for the rest of the crew to eat.
This pic cracks me up. Not only is her smile hilarious but her hairbows look crazy under that Thomas hat.
Aren't we sweet?
Check out all that smoke!!!
Sophia "cleaning" off the candles
Was that cake good, Eva?
Aguilar girls after a quick clean up
Cousin love

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dance Party

It is amazing how the words "Dance Party" mean entirely different things to those that have kids versus those that don't. Perhaps you were thinking that Cory and I went out dancing on a Saturday night at a local bar or nightclub. You would be wrong.
First, the family enjoyed a movie. Or part of a movie because Sophia can't sit through an entire movie. Unless it is Dora. And they are only like 45-50 minutes long so I don't count them. We watched Aladdin. I never realized how scary that movie is until I watched it with Sophia. May just leave that on the shelf for a few more years. Isaac was not impressed with it either.

Do you love her outfit?

(Angie, that is the hula skirt that came with the bathing suit that she wore to her and Libby's party. Yes, it is size 12 months and still fits.)

Then we headed into Cory's office for a Dance Party (Sophia's words not mine). When we lived in Florida, Cory listened to a lot of Jimmy Buffet. When Sophia was born she had a bad case of reflux. We nicknamed her the "Screamin Demon". You get the picture. So, Cory used to turn up Jimmy Buffet until Sophia stopped screaming. It worked like a charm. Fast forward to Saturday night....she still likes Jimmy. We had a great time at the Dance Party. Her favorite is Cheeseburger in Paradise. She knows quite a few words. Isaac got in on the dancing and if you can believe it, fell asleep. I love Saturday nights at my house.

FYI: The pictures on the ceiling are what is left over from Cory's father's day "present". Yeah, last year. There was a sign that said, "Daddy, I love it when you..." and then I put pictures of Sophia and Cory doing different things together and hung them from the ceiling. It was a big hit. Will have to update it this Father's Day I guess. Never thought it would be up this long though. I offer an explination everytime someone comes over so they don't just think we are too weird.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Picnic in the Park

Today we went to the park for a picnic. We had a great time. I am so glad that Julie lives close now and we can do this sort of stuff. I look forward to many more picnics and family fun times together.
Look out!
The Aguilar Girls
Isaac taking a rest before chowing down
I couldn't keep that hat on his head very well so in this picture it looks more like a do-rag. Oh well, I guess that just makes him extra cool.
What is it with kids and puffs? What do they put in those things? Heroin? Here Aunt JuJu is opening a fresh container. Check out Sophia's face. Isn't almost 3 years old a little too old for puffs? Not according to her.
Now check out Eva shoveling in a handful of puffs. Amazing. And that kid hardly eats anything. But she can put away some puffs.
My beautiful girl

Monday, March 23, 2009

1 Month Old

It is so hard to believe that Isaac is already 1 month old. He is getting so big. He has gone from looking like Cory and Sophia to looking like his own little person. Don't get me wrong, there is still a strong resemblance, but nothing like when he was born. We are no longer breast feeding. After multiple trips to the lactation nurse, multiple different attachments/devices, herbals, prescription drugs, and a feeding/pumping regimen that left me little time for anything else, it was time to call it quits. I actually didn't even make the call. Isaac did. At first I was devastated but am now getting used to the idea. And let's be honest. There are benefits to bottle feeding. Such as now Cory can take a feeding and I can sleep. Fabulous. Little Man (that's what Cory calls him) is such a joy to be around. He is such a wonderful baby and just loves to cuddle. He is already smiling although it is at nothing in particular. However yesterday when Cory was changing his diaper he told Isaac not to poop while he was changing him. He told him to save that for Momma. Isaac smiled. And guess what happened about an hour later when I was changing him??? Yep. He pooped on me. Crazy boys. Already conspiring against me.

Getting his Elvis snear on
The boys
So precious

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New take on "I don't want to"

Sophia is coming up with the funniest stuff to say in order to get out of doing things we ask her to do. Last night we found stickers stuck all over the kitchen floor. Cory: Sophia, come over here and pick up these stickers off the floor. Sophia: No, Daddy. You have the big muscles. You should pick them up. On finding a half eaten M&M on the floor.... Cory: Sophia, come over and pick up this yucky M&M off the floor. Sophia: Well, that is yucky. I am a princess. That is too yucky for a princess to touch. Oh, I love that girl.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Photo Opportunity

Taking pictures has become a very difficult task. It is hard to work in pictures in addition to all the responsibilities of 2 kids. I am working on it though. I decided to try and take a couple pics tonight though. Getting pictures of a newborn is hard though. I don't know how photographers do it.

Looking very grown up

Done with picture time!!

Big sister and Little brother

When did this happen?


Sunday, March 15, 2009

So Sweet...

This is not the best picture quality. The flash was on, I was wearing white, he was wearing white.... It got a little overexposed. But, I thought it was so cute how he had his hands folded. He is such a sweet, cuddly little boy.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Beauty Shop

The day before Isaac was born, I took Sophia to get a manicure and pedicure. Well, really just to get her nails painted. I wasn't sure if she would even like it. Boy, did she love it. She has been obsessed with painted nails ever since. And 2 year olds are very hard on nail polish. It doesn't last very long at all. So, tonight we went up to Walgreens and she got to pick out 2 colors of polish. She picked red and green. Okay, whatever. After I painted her nails, she wanted to paint mine. Since my toes were already red, I got out of having to let her use red polish. Red polish in the hands of a 2 year old did not sound like a great idea. So, I got green fingernails. She actually didn't do too bad. I was impressed. And yes, my fingernails are still green.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Hide and Seek

Sophia loves to play hide and seek and is getting better at finding places to hide. Today she found the cabinets in the island. She is such a funny gal.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Just a few random pictures over the last several days.
My favorite 3 people
My dad gets each of the grandkids a Vermont Teddy Bear. Isaac loves his.
On Monday, Julie, Gilbert, and Eva came over and cooked us dinner. It was delicious. We tried to get a picture with the 3 kids. This is the best one that I got. It is going to be very interesting when we get family pictures made.
I don't know why this picture loaded like this but I liked it. My 2 babies.

Tuesday was Isaac's first doctor's appointment. He is up to 8 pounds 5 ounces and doing great. He looks like such a little boy in this outfit. Who says you can't have fun with boy clothes??

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Introducing Isaac Grant Cissell

Isaac Grant was born on Febuary 23 at 8:56 am. He was 21 inches long and 9 pounds 3 ounces. What??? Yes, I was carrying around a 9 pound baby. Good grief. He is absolutely perfect and looks a lot like his big sister. Cory must have extremely dominant genes. Sophia loves him to pieces and he loves being around her too. I can't wait to see how they interact once he gets older. He loves to cuddle and makes little noises that sound like purring when he is really comfortable and happy.

He lost quite a bit of weight while we were in the hospital. I guess it was a good thing he started out over 9 pounds. He got down to 8 pounds 1 ounce which necessitated us staying in the hospital for another day. But he is on the path to gaining weight now and is doing great.

The Cissell Family

Baby Isaac (a little yellow, huh?)

The triplets (that's what I call them)

Proud Big Sister

Isaac got Sophia some wonderful jewelry. I thought it would be fitting that the first girl he bought jewelry for would be his sister.

Cuddling with Momma