So, here we are. The night before Isaac Grant will make his entrance into the world. I've done this before. No need to be nervous/anxious/scared/ect, right? Well.... I've never been a mother of two before. It seems so much more adult and grown up than the mother of one. I worry about how Sophia will react. She is so sweet now and talks about her baby brother and how she is excited. She gives my belly hugs and kisses and talks to him every day. But what will it be like when he is here? What happens when she wants to play ponies and I have to feed/change/rock her brother? As much as I love the 2 year age, let's be honest. It can sometimes be more than a challenge. Am I going to be able to be patient with her while I am running on fumes from night feedings? She is such a sensitive girl. I don't want to hurt her feelings or make her feel left out. And then there is something else that wasn't quite there the first time. Certainly I thought about it. But not like this time. As I prepared for the birth of Sophia, once or twice the thought went through my head, "What if something happens to me during the c-section?". I am sure every mother has thought something similar. But as much as I loved Sophia then and as horrible as it would have been....the amount of love I had for her on July 10, 2006 was nothing like the love I had for her on July 11, 2006. And neither one of those amounts come close to comparing to the amount of love I have for her on Feb. 22, 2009. That little girl is my world. And the same is true for Isaac. Sure I love him now, but nothing like how I will love him after I hold him. I don't want to miss out on even a second of them growing up. Now I know that I am in God's hands and am sure that I will be just fine, but that little voice of fear is rather annoying and has gotten quite loud tonight. The only thing to do now is to trust and pray. Will blog soon with photos.....
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Presents for Isaac

"The Before"

Sophia hard at work on the giraffe.

Daddy helping out with the cow.
Momma helping with the hippo
The finished product
Posted by The Cissells 2 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Funny Stuff
This is just a reminder for me of how funny 2 year olds can be and how their minds work. Sophia has an ear infection and of course the cold to go along with it. Yesterday when she got up from her nap she was coughing. Sophia: "Momma, how are we going to get this cough out of my mouth?" Me: "Well, Sophia that is why we are taking the pink medicine. To get rid of your earache and cough." Sophia: "Momma I have been taking pink medicine. It not working. Now what?" I love this age.
Posted by The Cissells 0 comments
Brief, Overdue Update
It's been a long time. This last trimester has flown past and I have just not had the time or energy to sit down and blog. So, I will give a whirlwind pictorial update and then try and stay more current. Great Wolf Lodge: We had a great time. Sophia loved the water and Cory loved all the rides. Sophia even went down a couple of the kiddie slides but wasn't too terribly sure about them. There was a show in the evening that she loved. It even snowed indoors at the end of the show. She thought that was the coolest thing.
Posted by The Cissells 2 comments